Choose one or more of these words and create a card for each one.
Send your $5 PayPal payment to [email protected], and
submit your completed work by April 15, 2020 to [email protected]
1. Faith- complete confidence in a person or plan, etc.
2. Courage - TAKEN
3. Strength - the property of being physically or mentally powerful
4. Humility - a lack of arrogance or false pride
5. Love - TAKEN
6. Compassion - TAKEN
7. Alchemy - a magical process of transmuting a common substance into a substance of value
8. Hope - feeling and belief that something good may happen
9. Prayer - reverent petition to a deity
10. Gratitude - a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation
11. Change - become different in some particular way
12. Embrace - squeeze tightly in your arms, usually with fondness
13. Praise - an expression of approval and commendation
14. Meditate - reflect deeply on a subject
15. Challenge - a call to engage in a contest or fight
16. Profound - situated at or extending to great depth
17. Eternal - continuing forever or indefinitely
18. Surrender - relinquish possession or control over
19. Listen - TAKEN
20. Joy - the emotion of great happiness
21. Grace - one of three sisters who were the givers of beauty and charm
22. Rejoice - feel happiness
23. Nourish - provide with sustenance
24. Inspire - serve as the inciting cause of
25. Healing - the natural process by which the body repairs itself
26. Peace - the state prevailing during the absence of war
27. Enlighten - give spiritual insight to
28. Unity - an undivided or unbroken completeness with nothing wanting
29. Forgiveness - the act of excusing a mistake or offense
30. Praxis - translating an idea into action
31. Inquiry - an instance of questioning
32. Knowing - be cognizant or aware of a fact or a piece of information
33. Believe - accept as true; take to be true
34. Discipline - a system of rules of conduct or method of practice
35. Wisdom - accumulated knowledge or erudition or enlightenment
36. Steward - someone who manages property or affairs for someone else
37. Art - the creation of beautiful or significant things
38. Concept - an abstract or general idea inferred from specific instances
39. Construct - make by combining materials and parts
40. Research - a seeking for knowledge
41. Reflection - the phenomenon of a propagating wave being thrown back
42. Transformation - the act of changing in form or shape or appearance
43. Environment - the totality of surrounding conditions
44. Context - the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation
45. Discourse - an extended communication dealing with some particular topic
46. Critique - appraise or judge in an analytical way
47. Review - look at again; examine again
48. Beneficence - the quality of being kind or helpful or generous
49. Hypothesis - a tentative insight that is not yet verified or tested
50. Beloved - TAKEN
51. Delight - something that gives great pleasure
52. Communion - an act or instance of sharing
53. Community - a unified body of individuals
54. Emotions - a state of feeling
55. Wellness - state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal
56. Feel - conscious recognition
57. Restore - to put back or return
58. Nurture - something that nourishes
59. Worthy - having importance
60. Support - promote the interests or cause
61. Imagine - to form a mental image of something not present
62. Intuitive - knowing or perceiving by intuition
63. Adventure - TAKEN
64. Bountiful - provided abundantly
65. Tribe - a group of persons having a common character, occupation, or interest
Send your $5 PayPal payment to [email protected], and
submit your completed work by April 15, 2020 to [email protected]
1. Faith- complete confidence in a person or plan, etc.
2. Courage - TAKEN
3. Strength - the property of being physically or mentally powerful
4. Humility - a lack of arrogance or false pride
5. Love - TAKEN
6. Compassion - TAKEN
7. Alchemy - a magical process of transmuting a common substance into a substance of value
8. Hope - feeling and belief that something good may happen
9. Prayer - reverent petition to a deity
10. Gratitude - a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation
11. Change - become different in some particular way
12. Embrace - squeeze tightly in your arms, usually with fondness
13. Praise - an expression of approval and commendation
14. Meditate - reflect deeply on a subject
15. Challenge - a call to engage in a contest or fight
16. Profound - situated at or extending to great depth
17. Eternal - continuing forever or indefinitely
18. Surrender - relinquish possession or control over
19. Listen - TAKEN
20. Joy - the emotion of great happiness
21. Grace - one of three sisters who were the givers of beauty and charm
22. Rejoice - feel happiness
23. Nourish - provide with sustenance
24. Inspire - serve as the inciting cause of
25. Healing - the natural process by which the body repairs itself
26. Peace - the state prevailing during the absence of war
27. Enlighten - give spiritual insight to
28. Unity - an undivided or unbroken completeness with nothing wanting
29. Forgiveness - the act of excusing a mistake or offense
30. Praxis - translating an idea into action
31. Inquiry - an instance of questioning
32. Knowing - be cognizant or aware of a fact or a piece of information
33. Believe - accept as true; take to be true
34. Discipline - a system of rules of conduct or method of practice
35. Wisdom - accumulated knowledge or erudition or enlightenment
36. Steward - someone who manages property or affairs for someone else
37. Art - the creation of beautiful or significant things
38. Concept - an abstract or general idea inferred from specific instances
39. Construct - make by combining materials and parts
40. Research - a seeking for knowledge
41. Reflection - the phenomenon of a propagating wave being thrown back
42. Transformation - the act of changing in form or shape or appearance
43. Environment - the totality of surrounding conditions
44. Context - the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation
45. Discourse - an extended communication dealing with some particular topic
46. Critique - appraise or judge in an analytical way
47. Review - look at again; examine again
48. Beneficence - the quality of being kind or helpful or generous
49. Hypothesis - a tentative insight that is not yet verified or tested
50. Beloved - TAKEN
51. Delight - something that gives great pleasure
52. Communion - an act or instance of sharing
53. Community - a unified body of individuals
54. Emotions - a state of feeling
55. Wellness - state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal
56. Feel - conscious recognition
57. Restore - to put back or return
58. Nurture - something that nourishes
59. Worthy - having importance
60. Support - promote the interests or cause
61. Imagine - to form a mental image of something not present
62. Intuitive - knowing or perceiving by intuition
63. Adventure - TAKEN
64. Bountiful - provided abundantly
65. Tribe - a group of persons having a common character, occupation, or interest